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Counseling Services

San Mateo-Foster City School District provide School Counselors to help students become oriented to their school and to assist students with personal or academic topics. In addition, the middle schools have a School Safety Advocate who provides individual and group counseling to students, including Girls United empowerment groups and First Stop groups for students who may use tobacco, alcohol, or other substances. Elementary schools also have School Counselors or other Clinical Counselors, as well as counseling trainees from agencies such as the Youth Service Bureau and One Life Counseling. Services may include individual or group counseling, consultation, and lunch bunch activities.  School Counselors support social-emotional learning and school climate efforts, team with school staff and parents to address academic, social, and behavioral challenges, and work to connect students and families with needed resources.

School psychologists may provide support and consultation to teachers and parents of students experiencing learning and/or behavior problems. Students with an Individual Education Program who exhibit the need for a higher level of care may be recommended to receive Educationally-Related Mental Health Services. Please contact the SMFC Student Services Department for additional information or support at (650) 312-7341.

Our Counselors are here to offer counseling and support to help your student reach their potential.

Does your child need to check-in with a school counselor?

Please fill out the following form and a School Counselor will contact you.

Request for School Counselor Check-In

Petición para comunicación virtual con consejero de SMFCSD
