Practical Life
"Any child who is self-sufficient, who can tie his shoes, dress or undress himself, reflects in his joy and sense of achievement the image of human dignity, which is derived from a sense of independence." ~Maria Montessori
Practical life activities are often found in the child's home and daily life. These activities can include learning how to dress themselves or pour water for younger grades. Learning how to read a train timetable or plan a bike route or sewing can be seen in upper grades. The purpose of these activities is to teach coordination, independence, concentration, care of self and environment, and control of movement.
As part of the practical life curriculum, Grace and Courtesy lessons are incorporated to help children learn important concepts such as manners, navigating social interactions, developing a growth mindset among other topics. In the younger grades, these lessons can include learning how to greet one another, tucking in one's chair, walking on a line, learning how to use objects in the classroom, waiting for your turn and being kind. As children transition to older grades, the lessons focus on navigating friendships and handling conflicts.
In addition to the Grace and Courtesy lessons, Parkside provides Social Emotional Learning lessons to all students. More information can be found on our Social Emotional Learning webpage.