The Multilingual Learner Services team in San Mateo-Foster City School District provides training and support to school sites in identifying, assessing, and monitoring the language and academic progress of Multilingual Learners. Our multilingual students speak more than 50 different languages and come from many countries around the world.
Our vision:
The Multilingual Learner Services team in SMFCSD welcomes multilingual students and creates equitable systems that support students’ academic and social-emotional success by partnering with all stakeholders, promoting a sense of belonging and engaging in culturally responsive and asset-based instruction so that students can reach their full potential.
English Learner Roadmap
In 2017, the California Department of Education published the English Learner Roadmap Guide(2) to assist local educational agencies (LEA) in implementing California's 21st century college-and-career-ready standards, curriculum, instruction programs, and assessments. These Four main principles provide the foundation to the English Learner Roadmap. See below
- Principle 1: Assets- Oriented and Needs-Responsive Schools
- Principle 2: Intellectual Quality of Instruction and Meaningful Access
- Principle 3: Systems Conditions that Support Effectiveness
- Principle 4: Alignment and Articulation Within and Across Systems